Building Owners and Managers Association of California (BOMA California) is the state's leading organization for commercial real estate. As a federation of all eight local BOMA associations, BOMA California serves as the collective membership’s legislative and regulatory advocate.
The mission of BOMA California is to preserve and promote the interests of California commercial real estate professionals through legislative and regulatory advocacy.
A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Move to trash Insert HTML snippet or script Edit HTML Set access permissions Insert Table ArtText Insert divider ArtText Insert divider Insert Table ArtText Insert divider Insert Table Macro (pre-defined information) Move to trash Insert HTML snippet or script Edit HTML Set access permissions Insert Table ArtText Insert divider ArtText Insert divider Insert Table ArtText Insert divider Insert Table Macro (pre-defined information) Thank you for visiting the BOMA California website! It is our pleasure to continue advocating in Sacramento for the commercial real estate industry, as we have done for over forty years. We know that together, speaking with a unified voice, our industry has a greater range of authority and influence on the legislation and regulations that affect each of our members every day and into the future. We have been effective on a wide variety of issues including energy efficiency, split roll property taxes, and AED retrofit and training requirements. We have also helped to sponsor changes in the law that smooth the way for commercial real estate to operate and thrive in California. If you already belong to a local BOMA Chapter, we thank you for all your support and involvement with our statewide Association. Together, we are making a difference! If you do not yet belong to one of our locals, we hope you will consider joining us. While our members have many different professions, they share one industry – commercial real estate. When we work together, we accomplish extraordinary things – come be extraordinary with us! Sarahann Shapiro, President, BOMA California |
President Vice President Treasurer Secretary | Immediate Past President Executive Committee Executive Committee Executive Committee |