The initiatives listed below have been approved for placement on the November 5, 2024 ballot. Included below are the positions taken by CBPA and the commercial real estate industry.
This measure would reaffirm the right of same-sex couples to marry by amending the Constitution to remove outdated language from Proposition 8, passed by voters in 2008, which defines marriage as being between a man and a woman.
Legislative Democrats have introduced this bond measure which would allocate $3.8 billion for drinking water and groundwater, $1.5 billion for wildfire and forest programs, and $1.2 billion for addressing sea level rise. This funding would help offset some recent budget cuts.
Currently, most local bond proposals require a two-thirds public vote for approval. If voters pass Proposition 5, this threshold will be lowered to 55% for bonds supporting low-income housing, road and transit expansions, parks, wildfire resilience, and other public infrastructure projects. This measure aims to erode taxpayer protections against government spending established with Proposition 13 and will result in higher taxes.
This measure would restrict forced labor in state prisons. Added by lawmakers late, this constitutional amendment aims to eliminate indentured servitude in state prisons, viewed as a lingering form of slavery. The California Black Legislative Caucus included this amendment in its reparations bill package.
This measure would raise the state minimum wage from $16 to $18. California's minimum wage has rapidly increased over the last several years, and higher minimum wages have been established for fast food and health care workers. Another increase would further threaten the economic competitiveness of our state and drive businesses out of California.
This measure would permit local governments to enforce rent controls. It would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act that generally prohibits cities and counties from imposing rent limits on properties occupied after February 1, 1995. Proposition 33 would have an adverse impact on property values and the economic competitiveness of California.
This measure would mandate that specific healthcare providers allocate almost all funds from a federal prescription drug program towards patient care. It would forbid the AIDS Healthcare Foundation from using the organization’s coffers to advance a political agenda through the ballot, and ensure public tax dollars meant for patients are spent on patients.
This measure would establish a permanent tax on managed health care insurance plans. Sponsored by California’s health care industry, this initiative aims to increase funding for Medi-Cal and prevent lawmakers from reallocating these funds to other programs.
The commercial real estate industry has endorsed and financially supported the Homelessness, Drug Addiction, and Theft Reduction Act, which would partially roll back Proposition 47, increasing penalties for theft and drug trafficking. The measure would address the drastic increase in retail theft and organized retail crime by reclassifying retail theft with two or more prior convictions as a felony. Retail theft is a key issue impacting not just our industry, but the economic health of our state. |
Protecting commercial real estate for over 50 years | Office: (916) 443-4676 | Address: 1121 L Street, Suite 501 |