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OPPOSE AB 2364 and AB 2374

Costly Janitorial Bills

AB 2364 (Rivas; D-Salinas)
Unrealistic Janitorial Cleaning Quotas
  • Sets impractical production rate limits for janitorial work, potentially requiring 16 extra staff for large buildings and increasing costs by $100,000 monthly.

  • Cuts the amount of space a janitor can clean by more than half the current average of 5,000-6,000 square feet. 
  • Higher Training Costs: Mandates more expensive harassment training programs, raising operational expenses without clear benefits.
  • Operational Inflexibility: Ignores the diverse nature of buildings and occupancy, applying a uniform strategy that may not suit all environments.
  • Increased Industry Burdens: Could heavily impact the janitorial sector with additional financial and operational challenges, without evident advantages.

STATUS: Passed through the Assembly Committee on Labor and Employment on April 17th. 

AB 2364 Letter of Opposition 

  • AB 2374 (Haney; D-San Francisco)

  • Costly Custodian Mandates

  • Expanded "Contractor" Definition: AB 2374 includes any janitorial staff employer in the definition, removing the 25-employee minimum, placing heavy burdens on small businesses.
  • Increased Retention Period: Retention time raised from 60 to 90 days, with a mandate for continued employment based on performance, limiting business flexibility.
  • Preferential Hiring List: Mandates a seniority-based hiring list, restricting employers' ability to align the workforce with business needs, potentially reducing efficiency.
  • Higher Operating Costs: The changes lead to significant increases in operating expenses for janitorial businesses, with costs passed down to property owners and tenants, and may cause broader economic impacts.

STATUS: Passed the  Assembly Committee on Judiciary on April 16th.


Oppose AB 2364 – Unrealistic Janitorial Cleaning Quotas 

Urgent Outreach to Assembly Labor and Employment Committee
We urgently need your involvement to oppose AB 2364, a bill proposing unrealistic production rate limits for janitorial staff. Click here to contact your state representatives.

Impact of AB 2364:

  • Increased Costs: Estimated operational cost increase by $100,000 monthly due to increased staff requirements.

  • Mandatory Training Expenses: The bill mandates costly harassment training programs. 

  • Operational Inflexibility: Imposes a one-size-fits-all approach that fails to consider different building uses. 

Why Your Voice Matters
AB 2364 threatens significant financial and operational burdens on businesses, particularly impacting the janitorial industry. 

How You Can Help
Please contact your state representatives to express your opposition using the email and call scripts provided below.

Call Script for Opposing AB 2364

Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a [your position] at [your company/organization]. I am calling to express my strong opposition to AB 2364 regarding janitorial cleaning quotas. This bill will drastically increase our operational costs by about $100,000 monthly due to increased staffing and training requirements. These changes will adversely impact our business and many others across the state. 

AB 2364 imposes unrealistic demands on the janitorial industry without considering the variability in building uses and current efficiencies. It threatens to increase costs significantly without providing clear benefits. I urge Assemblymember [Last Name] to oppose this bill and protect our businesses from undue financial burdens. 

Thank you for taking the time to hear my concerns. 

Email Template

Subject: Urgent Opposition to AB 2364 – Harmful to Business and Employment 

Body:Dear Assemblymember [Last Name], 

I am writing as [your position] of [your company/organization], a concerned [business owner/manager/citizen] to express my strong opposition to AB 2364. This bill proposes unrealistic janitorial quotas that will drastically increase operational costs by requiring significant increases in staffing and mandatory training expenses. Such measures will not only inflate our costs by an estimated $100,000 monthly but also create unnecessary operational inflexibility. 

AB 2364 fails to consider the practical nature and existing efficiencies of janitorial work, posing undue financial and operational burdens on our industry. We risk increasing costs for all involved parties without a clear return on investment. 

I urge you to oppose AB 2364 and consider the severe implications it would have on businesses and the janitorial sector across California. 

Thank you for your attention to this crucial matter. 

Questions? Contact CBPA's Senior Director of Government Relations Skyler Wonnacott at

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