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CBPA aims to take a proactive approach to solving challenges impacting the commercial real estate industry. In addition to advocating against harmful legislation, its crucial for our industry to work to introduce solutions to the problems our members and industry face. This year, CBPA has partnered with lawmakers to introduce legislation aimed at streamlining processes. 

AB 2433 -  Private Permitting Review and Inspection Act - DEAD

Authored by Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva; D - Fullerton

Assembly Bill 2433 (Quirk-Silva) improves the building permit process and expedites important projects in your community.

AB 2433 builds on current law to provide flexible fee structures, expedited inspection timelines, and conditional employment of external professional services.

AB 2433 will enhance the speed and predictability of permit processing, alleviating the unnecessary burdens, particularly those in small business sectors and entities working on affordable housing in underserved communities.

AB 2433 establishes definitive deadlines and permits the sensible use of private professionals in the inspection process while assuring local government has the final authority.

Amendment taken on the Floor on May 20 address concerns recently brought forward:

1.     Building Inspections Removed. The bill is now limited to plan-check services only.

2.     Assures Local Government Has Options. Enables a jurisdiction to designate either one of their employees to expedite plan-check or pick the third party to do this work – all at the applicant's cost.

3.     Assures Consistent Expertise. Plan-checkers must meet the same continuing education requirements as those required of the building department staff.

4.     Assures No Conflict of Interest. Prohibits the "private professional provider" from having any financial interest in designing and/or preparing the construction plans or the construction itself.

5.     Limited Scope. The bill only applies to those permits for which the applicant requests expedited action after the initial time period has elapsed.

This bill will help expedite construction projects across California. 

Fact Sheet | Bill Language 

Status: On May 21st, the bill passed through the Assembly floor on a vote of 67-0. The bill was then withdrawn by the author due to strong opposition from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). 

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